Monday, November 19, 2012

paper and test

Today we handed in our first major paper. It is worth 200 points...I think. I am hoping I did well on it because I would really like to bring my grade up. I think I did well because I found some great sources. Also today we took a test. It was on the world leaders again. I know I at least got above a 90 or maybe a 100 but I am not that confident. After the test we just kind of talked until we watched this video of a news reporter in Israel. She is speaking when a bomb goes off very close by. She looked scared but she kept her cool and continued reporting. I think she deserves a raise for how well she did under pressure. There was another one we watch where you see a bomb go off in the far distance. We do not have class Tuesday so our vacation from Human Geo starts now. Happy Thanksgiving.

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