Thursday, November 29, 2012

little bit of movie

Today in class we continued the video that we have been watching. We talked for a while about what we can do to fix the problem in the United States. Some people were talking about how there shouldn't not be any money. Other ideas included that the rich should pay more taxes. That’s really all I have from this class. We didn't watch that much of the movie so that’s all the notes I got. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

More of Capitalism Video

                  During class today we continued watching the video about capitalism. We saw how people in China will work for a fraction of the money Americans will. That’s why a lot of stuff is made in China. People may argue that they are taking jobs for Americans but then if American did it the product would cost a lot more than if someone made it in China. Really they are helping us out by allowing us to buy it for a lot less money. The Chinese were tearing up a building by hand in order to reuses so of the parts. You may think it would be a high paying job but really their only making a couple dollars an hour. In the United States you could pay people to do that because it would cost too much. They just blow up the whole building. Also the women were making less than the men.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Test back and video

             Today in class we got our test back that we took before the break. I was really happy because I got a 100 on it. Also our section had the best grade average again. I don’t think they will be able to beat us. I am happy that I can do my part because we were only above by 1.5 points I think. If I and maybe someone else didn't score as high as a 100 then we might not have one. We reviewed it so everybody could get the right answers. After that we started to watch a video about capitalism. The main country we focused on was China. I wasn't able to get many notes because we really didn't get that far into it.

Monday, November 19, 2012

paper and test

Today we handed in our first major paper. It is worth 200 points...I think. I am hoping I did well on it because I would really like to bring my grade up. I think I did well because I found some great sources. Also today we took a test. It was on the world leaders again. I know I at least got above a 90 or maybe a 100 but I am not that confident. After the test we just kind of talked until we watched this video of a news reporter in Israel. She is speaking when a bomb goes off very close by. She looked scared but she kept her cool and continued reporting. I think she deserves a raise for how well she did under pressure. There was another one we watch where you see a bomb go off in the far distance. We do not have class Tuesday so our vacation from Human Geo starts now. Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Today in class we didn't do that much. We talked about what we blogged about for homework. My partner didn't do his half of the countries so that's why I don't have them all (in case you were wondering). We talked about the countries and there Independence dates and what they were part of before that date and all that stuff. We also learned that we have a paper due Monday. It has to be no less than 500 words long. we have to pick two countries and explain their relationship with the United States. I haven't decided what i'm going to do but I will think about it. We also learned that we have a test on Monday as well as the paper. I don't really like that we have to write a 500 word research paper and study for a test but then again, we have been looking at these countries for the past week or so. I don't think I will have to do that much studying. That really all we did in class so I see you next time.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


After World War II, Germany divided into four zones of occupation -- the United Kingdom, the United States, the USSR, and France.  The German Empire (unified) achieved their independence on January 18, 1871.  Germany was never subject to another country.

Venezuela achieved its independence on July 5, 1811.  They were colonized and ruled by Spain in 1522.

Brazil achieved its independence from Portugal on September 7, 1822.  For over three centuries, Brazil was under the rule of Portugal.  In April 1500, the Portuguese arrived in South America and claimed Brazil.

India achieved its independence from the United Kingdom on August 15, 1947.  Before they were independent, they were ruled by the British and were part of the British empire.  It was said that the British empire was so big that the sun couldn't set on it.

Mexico declared its independence on September 16, 1810, but Spain didn't recognize it until September 27, 1821.  Before they were independent, Mexico was part of the Spanish rule, and only declared independence after the United States helped them in a revolution.

Independent July 14 1789
Never subject to another country

Saudi Arabia
never subject to another country
Independence was the day there kingdom was founded

Monday, November 12, 2012

test back

Today in Human Geo we got our test back on the world leaders. I did pretty well. When my name was called the little bell was rang which meant I got a 90% or above. Our class was shorter because when had about an hour and a half assembly to honor the military. They also pointed out the students who got first or second honors. Anyway I got a 92 on the test which surprised me because I haven’t been doing the best job with my blogs and stuff. We went around the room and said the answers and people said the names. Greg could not say the name Enrique Pena Neito so Mr. Shick kept calling on him until he knew it. Also apparently china has a new leader. Hu Jinato’s ten years are up so the new leader is named Xi Jimping. That’s pretty much all we did in class today. At the end we started talking about the situation in Iran. They want to build a nuclear power plant and we’re not sure if its to make energy or to bomb Israel. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

review of test

Today in Human Geo we had a substitute because Mr.Schick wasn't there. We got our test back and I disappointed with my grade. Kishan and Cole lead us in a review because they got the highest grades. It was confusing because we didn't have the questions in front of us. They just had to read the questions. That's all we did today so I really don't know what to say about that class.