Monday, September 3, 2012

Three Essays

1. I think arete means goodness and to live with excellence. It means to be the best you can be and to live your life as good as you can. Socrates demonstrated this quality by being absolutely the best he can. He lived was a great person and lived with great excellence. I think Socrates would be a good definition of arete assuming you know who Socrates was and what he did. The ancient Greeks also were all great people. After all arete is a Greek word. To sum it up, arete is to live with goodness and excellence and that's exactly what Socrates and the ancient Greeks did. They lived there lives to the fullest and beyond.

2. If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates time traveled to the year 2012 I think they would be mainly disgusted and mad. All the talked about was people being responsible and thinking for themselves. This year is not a very good example of that. A lot of people today are lazy and think they can do whatever they want. Granted, there are still some people who Elbert Hubbard would like because some people are still outgoing and able to get the message to Garcia. I think Socrates would be disappointing because his method of teaching by question and answer has been replaced by a quick search on a laptop or a smart phone that talks to you. But he would see some good because he would have a lot more to teach to a much bigger crowd. If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates time traveled it would bring a lot of good to the world.   

3. I do think excellence is a great think and that why I am going to try my hardest during my four years at John Carroll. First, I am going to make as many friends as I can so it makes for a pleasant four years. It has been shown that friend can lower stress levels resulting in better test scores. Next, I will try my hardest to do well at soccer. Once again it has been show that active students do better both in and out of school. After that I will make sure I don't get sidetracked by my laptop in class. If I do I will miss what the teacher says and important notes so therefor in will not use my computer unless I am told to or I'm at my house. The fourth thing I will do is to be sure to take good notes and write down all my homework. Homework is important because it’s usually a review of class and notes are always good for studying and making sure you understand the material. Finally I will always follow the rules. Rules are there for a reason, to make sure we don't get into trouble. If you’re not in trouble then your most likely to be doing the right thing witch is always good. If I follow this five step process then I am sure to have a great four years at John Carroll.     

1 comment:

  1. #1: 21/25 (B). How did Socrates live? Provide some examples (Socratic method, his courage in facing death, etc.) to help make your point.

    #2: 24/25 (A). This is more like it! You described how these men would react to modern life. Nice work.

    #3: 25/25 (A+). Excellent plan! I hope you stick to it, Andrew. You've got some great stuff here.
