Thursday, September 27, 2012

More of God grew tired of us

Today in Geo class we watched some more of the movie God Grew Tired of Us. In the movie we followed closely with three men John, Daniel, and Panther. Daniel and Panther went to live in Pittsburgh. John went and lived in New York. They didn’t know how to do anything in America. On the plane they ate a butter stick and hand sanitizer towels. They have never seen so much food. Daniel and Panther are living in an apartment which they have never even heard of.   A man had to show them everything from turning on a lamp to taking a shower because they have never used electricity. Where they were living they didn’t have anything they have now so it’s no surprise that they don’t know how to use it all.  I hope tomorrow we will continue to watch the movie because I am really enjoying it. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sudan Movie

 Today in Human Geo we got our test back and stated to watch the movie. I didn’t finish my test because I didn’t see that there was a back of the second page. I went in the hallway and finished. I was not that happy with how I did. I think I could have done a lot better but something happened and I didn’t do too well. The movie we are watching is called “God Grew Tired of Us”. It is a documentary by national Geographic.  This movie is about the Sudan civil war. This war was between the north and south of Sudan. The war was started in 1983. The beginning was mainly interview and a boy talking about what it was like before the war started. They were cattle farmers.  When the war started everybody fled. A lot of the boys got separated from their parents so they started mini families to take care of each other. Nobody wanted to go back because the risk of getting killed was too high. They ended up at a refugee camp in Kenya.

Monday, September 24, 2012

First test and Sudan

Today in class we took our first test. I didn’t know we had a test because I wasn’t there that day but I should have read his blog because it was mentioned on it. I think I did pretty well. I really liked the layout of the test. He told us to write about the Sudan civil war so here it is. The second Sudan civil war was a conflict from 1983 to 2005 between their government and the people of Sudan.  About two million people had died because of the war and the effects of it. Four million people is southern Sudan have been displaced at least once during the war. The toll of all the civilian deaths is one of the greatest since World War two.  Some of the things that caused this war were natural resources, racial discrimination, and religious discrimination. The people from south Sudan had all the rich resources and the people from the other part did not so they wanted some of it. Central Sudan is right next to the Sudan desert and the desert doesn’t supply anything and that’s why they don’t have any natural resources. The south part is next to the Nile which is why they have more.  The central wanted some of the South’s stuff so they started the war. It ended in 2005.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I Wasn't In Class

I was not in class Thursday and Friday because I was sick.

Our World Today

Today in my favorite class (Human Geo) we talked about the world and more specifically about its population. Today, right now, the world’s population is over SEVEN BILLION people. It’s gaining more than 77 million per year. 90 percent of that comes from developing countries. Some of these countries are Africa, South Asia, East Asia, and Latin America. The United States is a devolving country. A devolving country is one that doesn’t have a strong government or bad health care. Males born in 2012 are expected to live until age 76. Females are expected to live to age 81. Females seem to live longer in just about every county. The reason for this is because males are the ones fighting in wars and working manual labor jobs. This brings there life expectancy way down.  We learned that the net migration rate is the difference between the people entering a country and leaving it. All of this information can be found at the CIA world fact book which is a great source for reliable info.   

Did You Know 3.0

In today’s class we watched a video called Did You Know 3.0. It’s full of cool facts about today’s world that I bet a lot of people don’t know. Some were also about the past. On fact that I liked was that India has more honors kids then America has kids. This means that India has a lot more smart people so we need to step it up. Also another fact is that most Americans will have 10-14 jobs by the time they are 38. This means jobs might be a lot harder to find in the future and times are going to get worst. If Facebook was a country it would be the third largest behind India and China. That’s a lot of people. Twitter receives about 600 tweets a second. That’s a lot of stuff going up for anyone to read. Some of it may be influential and cause problems. It is very likely considering they are getting 50 million tweets a day. The video is very interesting and full of a lot of fun facts but some of them are scary if you think about it.


Friday September 14
Today in class we were trying to get onto our blogs but many people could not. Only some people were able to access they blogs. The majority of the blogs said they had been deleted.  Some had messages saying there had been suspicious activity or they thought we were plagiarizing. Mr. Schick said for us not to do anything and not to create a new blog. This didn’t mean we wouldn’t do them though. Some kids got excited until he told us we would have to do them in word and post them when or blog was back up.    

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Answers to Questions

Today in class we when over the answer to all the questions that was last night's homework. I learned that the population of the United States is 313,847,465. The top five most populist countries are China, India, United States, Indonesia, and Brazil. The biggest country by land area is Russia. It is amazing to know that Mexico has the third largest number of airports. Saudi Arabia exports the most amount of oil. We use the most oil. We seem to be addicted to oil. When not the biggest country by land or people but yet we find a way to use so much oil. We also get a lot of it from Venezuela who doesn’t like us very much. China exports the most amount of product and we are their biggest buyer. One of the reasons we buy so much from China is because we borrowed a ton of money from them and buying their exports is one way of paying it back. China uses child labor and they don’t pay them very much so therefor they make a bunch of money when we purchase them   products. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

1. 313,847,465

2. China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil.

3. 190.291,129

4.  Constitution-based federal republic, strong democratic tradition

5. 95%

6. Russia

7. Mexico

8. China

 9. Saudi Arabia

10. U.S.

11. U.S.

12.  Yes

13. Gross domestic product

14. Liechtenstein

15. No

16. Africa

17. Africa

18.  Switzerland

19. 64th                                                                            

20. No

21. 23.9%

22. 76.5%

23. How many immigrants there are.

24. No

25. 7,021,836,029

My first question that I liked was #6 "what is the largest country in the world by area". I liked it because I had no idea that Russia was that big. I thought Canada or Brasil was the largest. Another question that I thought was interesting was question # 11 " what country consumes more oil than any other. I thought its was interesting to know that we are using up most of the world's oil. All of that cannot be good for our environment.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

1. I think website one is real because the information on it seems to be truthful. Also the website end in .gov and that means government so I think its legit.

2. I think the second one is real because it is a website from PBS which is a real organisation. Also I don't think anyone would lie about Elbert Hubbard.

3. I don't think the third one is real because it doesn't seem very professional. Also at the top it says "get your free website now" which mean that anybody could have gotten one and wrote whatever they wanted. Even though the author is stated before the paragraph I still just don't think its legit.

4. The forth one looks real because it is by NASA which is completely real. This one also ends in .gov which    
is another indicator that it would be a good website.  

5. I don't think website number five would be a good source for information because the article is all one person opinion. Even if some of it is true its still only one person's thoughts.

6.  You can tell website number six is real because it is the actual New York Times website. The New York Times is a real newspaper so therefor their website must be just as real.

7. Website number seven is another website that is all opinion so it can be very reliable information. It would not be a good source for a research paper.

8. I think website number eight is real because Wikipedia is always a good source for information. Even though people can change word on it, there are so many people who use it that someone would notice in a short period of time.

9. I think Mr. Schick's blog is legit because he is such are great teacher that he would never put false information for us to read.      

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Searching the internet

         Today in Human Geo we talked about finding information on the internet. We talked about different search engines. Google and Bing are among to best searching tool you can use. We also learned about Wikipedia and how it is better than a lot of people might think. First of all, not everybody can change the information on Wikipedia. Even if someone did put a piece of information on it, so many people use it daily that it would be noticed and someone would correct it. Wikipedia has a page for just about everything. Google is not a website for information. It is just a search engine that will lead you to other websites for information. Wikipedia is the world largest encyclopedia. It is also absolutely free for anyone to use. It is the best website you can you to look up just about anything you need.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Three Essays

1. I think arete means goodness and to live with excellence. It means to be the best you can be and to live your life as good as you can. Socrates demonstrated this quality by being absolutely the best he can. He lived was a great person and lived with great excellence. I think Socrates would be a good definition of arete assuming you know who Socrates was and what he did. The ancient Greeks also were all great people. After all arete is a Greek word. To sum it up, arete is to live with goodness and excellence and that's exactly what Socrates and the ancient Greeks did. They lived there lives to the fullest and beyond.

2. If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates time traveled to the year 2012 I think they would be mainly disgusted and mad. All the talked about was people being responsible and thinking for themselves. This year is not a very good example of that. A lot of people today are lazy and think they can do whatever they want. Granted, there are still some people who Elbert Hubbard would like because some people are still outgoing and able to get the message to Garcia. I think Socrates would be disappointing because his method of teaching by question and answer has been replaced by a quick search on a laptop or a smart phone that talks to you. But he would see some good because he would have a lot more to teach to a much bigger crowd. If Elbert Hubbard and Socrates time traveled it would bring a lot of good to the world.   

3. I do think excellence is a great think and that why I am going to try my hardest during my four years at John Carroll. First, I am going to make as many friends as I can so it makes for a pleasant four years. It has been shown that friend can lower stress levels resulting in better test scores. Next, I will try my hardest to do well at soccer. Once again it has been show that active students do better both in and out of school. After that I will make sure I don't get sidetracked by my laptop in class. If I do I will miss what the teacher says and important notes so therefor in will not use my computer unless I am told to or I'm at my house. The fourth thing I will do is to be sure to take good notes and write down all my homework. Homework is important because it’s usually a review of class and notes are always good for studying and making sure you understand the material. Finally I will always follow the rules. Rules are there for a reason, to make sure we don't get into trouble. If you’re not in trouble then your most likely to be doing the right thing witch is always good. If I follow this five step process then I am sure to have a great four years at John Carroll.