Wednesday, October 10, 2012


                Today in Human Geo we gave our group presentations. Only the people who did Columbus did not present because there was not enough time so I guess we will being seeing that next class. My group did our PowerPoint on the Vikings but the document thing we needed for the answers wasn't working for anyone so we didn't have it complete. When it was our turn Matt and I read off another classes presentations. The other one was about the Native Americans. Here are some things I learned. They arrived here about 12,000 to 17,000 years ago. They got here by crossing the ice bridge that stretched from Russia to Alaska during the colder times. The reason they crossed it was because they were following a herd of mammoths. The Americans are known as hunters and gathers. They were the first to come to America as far as history tells us. They didn't have to fight to conquer America because there was nobody here. That doesn't mean that there was any fighting. They had to fight invading Europeans and sometimes even each other. They were not sent by anyone because they were just following the food. Most people believe that when the first arrived in Alaska they went to Canada. From that point they just poured down and populated the whole country of America and even South America.  

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