Thursday, August 30, 2012


       Today in Human Geo we went over the vocab words that we had to type up for homework. One of the main thing we talked about was Socrates. Socrates was a ancient Greece  philosopher. He was well known and looked up to by many people. He is known for looking funny. He would walk around all day without any shoes on. Many people would follow him around and listen to what he had to say. One of his ways of teaching is called Socrates method. If someone asked him a question rather than answering it he would ask different questions leading up to the answer. He died by being force to drink poison. People voted whether he was guilty. People could have broken him out but he refused.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

            Today in Human Geo we listened to a couple different stories about a message to Garcia. All the stories had a important message within the text. They took place during the Spanish-American war which was fought in Cuba. Garcia was somewhere in Cuba at a unknown location. A message was to be to him. The messenger took the message without any questions, went to Cuba, and after three weeks delivered the message. What this story is trying to say is that there are people of there who are not lazy and will do whatever they have to to get the job done. The other stories were about people who would ask a bunch of questions and want to take men with him. That's saying that some people just don't want to do what there told. A example who be a person who take the message but hands if off to someone else and takes the credit for it.

arĂȘte: a sharp mountain ridge.

polis: a city-state in ancient Greece 

Socrates: an ancient Athenian philosopher  

the death of Socrates:The trial of Socrates 

the Socrates method: a method of teaching by question and answer.

the date 508 B.C. 

agora: A public open space used for assembles and markets 

what the ancient Greeks meant if they called you and idiot: if means you didn't vote.

Monday, August 27, 2012

          Today in Human Geo we did a couple of new things to prepare for the school year. First we got our new permanent seating arrangement. Then we shut off the lights and turned on the projector. The room is really dark when the lights go out. Once it was on we went over all the class rules. I learned that Mr. Schick does not offer extra credit. Also these blogs are worth two points each which will add up to be about a test score. We also got this blog for homework and we will have to write a blog every day we have class. The blog is a minimum of 150-200 words unless you’re sick. In that case all you have to do is write a blog about why you were absent. That is pretty much what happened today in Human Geo with Mr. Schick. I like the class and am looking forward to tomorrow.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Day

       My first day as a high school student was very exciting. I think I will do well at John Carroll because it was very comfortable walking around and finding places on my own. The moment you walk in, you can feel that it is definitely a different atmosphere then middle school. Coming from a private school, St Margaret, I was already used to wearing uniforms. I enjoyed the freedom to walk to your class by yourself rather than with your whole class. Also I like the fact that even though you may be in the same grade, you might not be taking the same classes. That way you are able to work at your own pace whether it's slower or faster. The mod scheduled its nice and how you are responsible for what you do on free mods. I plan to spend most of them in the cafeteria doing homework. You feel more grown up because you know that you are responsible for all you class work. It's nice how you can just stay after for sports rather than having your parents pick you up then drop you off somewhere else. In the end my first day of high school went very well. I only got lost once but found my way pretty fast. I am really looking forward to my first year of high school and the responsibly it entails.